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    IIT Chicago-Kent wins ABA Regional Negotiation Competition

    The IIT Chicago-Kent team of Kate Kosartes '13 and David McKenzie '14 is the winner of the American Bar Association's (ABA) Regional Negotiation Competition November 9 to 10 at the...

    IIT Chicago-Kent Sweeps Oral Advocacy Awards and Reaches Final Four in the National Veterans Law Moot Court Competition

    Dustin Karrison and Alex Stephens, third-year students at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, won individual awards and finished as semifinalists in the 5th annual National Veterans Law Moot Court Competition...

    IIT Chicago-Kent will Participate in the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law's Regional Competition

    The IIT Chicago-Kent team of Devin Bos '15, Bobbie Irvin III '15, Grant Miller '14 and Dana Raymond '14 will represent the law school in the ABA's Section of Labor...

    Koplan Nwabuoku '14 Wins Ilana Diamond Rovner Appellate Advocacy Competition

    Koplan Nwabuoku, a third-year student at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, has won the 22nd annual Ilana Diamond Rovner Appellate Advocacy Competition, sponsored by the law school's Moot Court Honor...

    IIT Chicago-Kent Hosts Wednesday Afternoon Gallery Talks on “The Art of Influence: Breaking Criminal Traditions” Exhibit

    IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is hosting a series of Wednesday afternoon gallery talks during the month of November in conjunction with The Art of Influence: Breaking Criminal Traditions exhibit...

    IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States Names First Appellate Lawyer-In-Residence

    Illinois Solicitor General Michael A. Scodro has been named the first Appellate Lawyer-in-Residence at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law's Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States (ISCOTUS). Scodro...

    IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Will Send Two Teams to the National Moot Court Competition Region 8 Tournament

    Third-year IIT Chicago-Kent students Colette Kopon, Esther Mignanelli, Ryan Moore and David Starshak will represent the law school in the National Moot Court Competition Region 8 tournament November 9 and...

    IIT Chicago-Kent Invited to Participate in 2013 National Civil Trial Competition

    IIT Chicago-Kent students Casey Brown ‘15, Fariz Burhanuddin ‘14, John DiFrancesco ‘14 and Michael Glink ‘14 will represent the law school in the National Civil Trial Competition (NCTC), which will...

    IIT Chicago-Kent to Participate in the Buffalo-Niagara Mock Trial Competition

    IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law students Molly Condon '15, Robby Fakhouri '14, Gintare Radvila '14 and Valerie Raedy '14 will represent the law school in the tenth annual Buffalo-Niagara National...

    IIT Chicago-Kent Professor Nancy S. Marder to Be Inducted Into the Warren E. Burger Society

    IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Professor Nancy S. Marder will be inducted into the National Center for State Courts' (NCSC) Warren E. Burger Society in ceremonies to be held November...