Vaccination and Mask Policies for Internal Events Hosted at the Conviser Law Center (CLC)
Vaccination and Mask Policies for Internal Events Hosted at the Conviser Law Center (CLC)
Internal events are those hosted by current faculty, staff/departments or students/student organizations. It is presumed that all current faculty, staff and students are already fully vaccinated and boosted (or met the university's testing criteria to be on campus in the spring) to be in the building. However, any outside visitor/guest who attends an internal event where food/beverages are provided must also be fully vaccinated and boosted (note: for events that do not include food/beverages, the university only requires that the visitor wears a mask at all times when they are in the building). The internal event host in charge of the event as planner or organizer will be responsible for ensuring all visitors/guests are fully vaccinated and boosted.
Please be sure to submit the Room Reservation Form well in advance to request space for your event. You will receive an email confirmation that will include a statement on university policies and building protocols for your event. By submitting the form and receiving a confirmation, you are acknowledging your understanding of the policies and your responsibility to verify that outside visitors are fully vaccinated and boosted.
You must provide your outside visitors/guests with a name badge that includes:
- School Name (i.e. Chicago-Kent, Stuart School, ID, etc.)
- Event Name
- Event Date
- Outside Visitor/Guest's Full Name
Masks are required while in the building. However, masks may be temporarily removed at an event only when the event sponsored food and/or beverages are provided. Social distancing should be practiced as much as feasibly possible.
For catering options for an event, click here to see a suggested list of caterers.
Events with alcohol service must follow all University policies. Highlights of the Alcohol Service Policy includes:
- Submission and Approval of an Alcohol Service Request Form
- Only beer and wine may be served
- A certified bartender/bartending service is required, with a Certificate of Insurance on file with the university
- Alcohol is allowed to be served starting at 4:00 pm or thereafter
- For student/student organization events, a full-time faculty or staff member sponsor is required, who must be in attendance at the event for the duration when alcohol is served.