Student Legal Writing Competitions - July 2022
The following are writing competitions to which law students may be eligible to submit their writings. For future writing competition deadlines and competitions by subject, see the Library’s Student Legal Writing Competitions Guide.
The Warren E. Burger Prize
"The American Inns of Court Warren E. Burger Prize is a writing competition designed to promote scholarship in the areas of professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence."
Deadline: July 1, annually
Albiston Prize
UC Berkeley School of Law's Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice (BGLJ) is soliciting student writing for the 2021 Catherine Albiston Prize for Recent Developments in Gender, Law & Justice. Please share the attached flyer with students who may be interested in submitting their work.
2022 Catherine Albiston Prize Announcement
Eligibility: Work written by students who were enrolled in law school during Spring 2021; Article has not previously been published and is not committed to being published elsewhere; Meets BGLJ's mandate: to publish feminist legal scholarship that critically examines the intersection of gender with one or more other axes of subordination, including, but not limited to, race, class, sexual orientation, and disability; Recommended 30-50 page manuscript.
Please email submissions to
Deadline: July 1, 2022
New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law: Student Writing Competition
Law students are invited to submit to the Committee an article concerning any area of Animal Law. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of attorneys and other professionals practicing or otherwise involved in animal law. The first place winner will receive $500 and a certificate of achievement. The second place winner will receive $250 and a certificate of achievement. The third place winner will receive a certificate of achievement. All winners’ submissions will be eligible for publication in the Committee’s “Laws & Paws” publication, at the Committee’s discretion.
The deadline for submission is July 9, 2021.
Tannenwald Writing Competition
"Papers on any federal or state tax-related topic may be submitted in accordance with the Competition Rules."
Deadline: July, 9, 2021. Annual.
National Law Review 2020-2021 Law Student Writing Competition
"straightforward and practical, containing useful information of interest to legal and business professionals" Suggested Topics:
- Election Law and Access to Voting
- President Trump and current administration
- Tax Issues
- Immigration enforcement and policy
- Federal Court issues: process of adding additional justices to the US Supreme Court/Federal Circuit
- Employment Issues - Ban the Box Laws, Minimum Wage, Transgender Accommodations, Age/Sex Discrimination
Deadline: 5:00 pm Central Standard Time by the last day of the month.
Morris L. Cohen Student Essay Competition
"Essay may be on any topic related to legal history, rare law books, or legal archives."
Deadline: approx. July 31st, annually
Brian Bolton Essay Contest for Graduate/"Older" Students (to Age 30)
Freedom From Religion Foundation Student Scholarship Essay Contests Main Page:
Deadline: Annual. Check the main page early in the year for the coming deadline.