Self-Help Resource Center Training Event

Event title: Self-Help Resource Center Training

Date and time: Tuesday, November 9th, 2021, 1:00-2:00PM

Contact information: Ricardo Santiago (

Intended Audience: Students

Names and titles of all guest speakers Amy Clark, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Illinois Legal Aid Online

Brief description:

Self-Help Resource Center- ILAO Training 11/9/21

The SHWC Team is thrilled to invite you to our first training of the semester, taking place on Tuesday, November 9 at 1pm. This training will be provided by Amy Clark of Illinois Legal Aid Online. For those who do not know, the Self-Help Web Center is a desk at the Daley Center (Circuit Court of Cook County) where Chicago-Kent students help pro se litigants. Due to Covid, the desk has been unable to operate, but you can still attend our training and be prepared for when the desk opens again (hopefully in the spring). The training will be conducted over zoom.