Meet the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender
Meet the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender
Tuesday, Aug 24, 2021, 12:00 PM
You can join the zoom meeting here; or attend in person in Room 270
The Colorado State Public Defender's Office hires 2L law students for paid positions during the summer and 3L law students for post-grad attorney positions with their office. Join us in-person at Chicago-Kent in Room (TBD) or on this zoom to talk with an attorney at the Colorado PD about work with their agency and applying for these positions. The Colorado State Public Defender also has unpaid summer positions for 1L's; therefore, all students are welcome to come learn about their office at this session.
* Note we are doing an on-campus interview session for the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender on Monday, September 13. 2L's and 3L's are welcome to apply using the OCI tab in Symplicity, select "Office of the Colorado State Public Defender" as the session, deadline to apply is Monday, August 30.