Fall 2022 Information for Chicago-Kent Students
Dear Students,
To our entering students, welcome to Chicago-Kent! You have an exciting few years ahead of you. To our continuing students, welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable and productive summer.
I'm writing to share some information and reminders as the new school year begins.
Start of semester: Orientation for entering students starts today, and Fall classes begin next Monday, August 22. Please see the Fall 2022 Quick Guide page for the latest version of the class schedule, initial reading assignments, and other information about Fall classes.
COVID-19 policies: Please review our updated set of policies and procedures for the Fall semester, available here. This supplements the university's policies, which are the university’s Covid-19 policy and provides policies and procedures specific to Chicago-Kent. If you have any questions or concerns about plans for the Spring 2023, please email Assistant Dean Jenna Abhijeet at jabhijeet@kentlaw.iit.edu, or Associate Dean Stephen Sowle at ssowle@kentlaw.iit.edu.
Vaccination and Testing Requirements
Students, faculty, and staff are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, including one booster shot, unless you have received an exemption on medical or religious grounds. If you have already submitted documentation in a prior semester, you do not need to submit anything additional at this time. Fall 2022 entering students should follow the instructions sent by the Admissions Office for submitted documentation or requesting an exemption.
Entering the Building
Students, faculty, and staff must tap their ID cards on the scanner at the security desk or on the right side of the main staircase every time they enter the building. If you do not have an ID card, please show the security guard alternative government-issued identification. Please also obtain a card by filling out this form and uploading a recent photo using these instructions. You will be notified when your card is ready.
Wearing Masks
Masks are not required to be worn in the Conviser Law Center or other university property.
COVID-19 Diagnoses, Symptoms, or Close Contact
The university's current policy requires faculty, staff, and students who test positive for COVID-19 to isolate for five days and to wear a mask for an additional five days after leaving isolation. Click here for the full set of university policies and guidance for those who test positive or have close contact with someone who has tested positive. Please note: These policies may be revised to reflect recent changes in guidance from public health authorities.
In the event you test positive for COVID-19, have close contact with someone who has tested positive, or exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please immediately email dos@iit.edu and copy both contacttracing@iit.edu and Assistant Dean Abhijeet at jabhijeet@kentlaw.iit.edu. Please also review the appropriate sections of the university's policies.
Visitors, including alumni, must present a driver's license or other valid government-issued ID and sign in at the security desk. Visitors who are not fully vaccinated (including having had a booster shot) should remain socially distanced from others while in the building. Visitors do not need to provide proof of vaccination or receive advance approval to enter the building. However, prospective visitors must comply with the relevant university policies if they have recently tested positive for COVID-19, have had close contact with someone who has tested positive, or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Please note that the Chicago-Kent Law Library is only open to current Illinois Tech students, faculty, and staff.
Recording of Classes
Recordings of classes are not automatic but are at the discretion of professors. If you have specific questions regarding the recording of your classes and the accessibility of any recordings, please contact your professors directly.
">available here. The university plans on continuing to base its policies on those recommended by public health authorities. Please note the following:
- Vaccination and testing: The university is still requiring that students, faculty, and staff be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, including one booster shot, unless you have received an exemption on medical or religious grounds. If you have already submitted documentation (recently or, for continuing students, in a prior semester), you do not need to submit anything additional at this time. Unlike last semester, the university is not requiring members of the university community to submit COVID-19 test results prior to the start of the semester.
- COVID-19 diagnoses, symptoms, or close contact: The university's policy continues to require that students, faculty, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for five days and wear a mask for an additional five days after leaving isolation. (Please note that these policies may be revised to reflect evolving guidance from public health authorities.) In the event you test positive for COVID-19, have close contact with someone who has tested positive, or exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please immediately email contacttracing@iit.edu and copy Dean Abhijeet at jabhijeet@kentlaw.iit.edu.
- Wearing masks: The university's policy on masks remains unchanged: masks are not required in the building, but you may wear one if you wish.
- Entering the building: We will continue to require students, faculty, and staff to tap their ID cards on the scanner at the security desk, or on the right side of the stairway, each time they enter the building. New students will receive their ID cards early this week.
- Visitors: All visitors, including alumni, must present a driver's license or other valid government-issued ID and sign in at the security desk. If you will be bringing visitors into the building, please review the relevant policies here. Please note that the Law Library is only open to current Illinois Tech students, faculty, and staff.
Fall courses and class recordings: As previously announced, classes will not be offered in hybrid format this Fall. Most classes will meet in-person, while a few are being offered entirely online. Unless required as an ADA accommodation, faculty have the discretion whether to record their classes or not for later viewing. Those who elect to record their classes may make the recordings available for all enrolled students, or make them available only on a case-by-case basis (e.g., to students who miss a class due to illness or have an approved absence for other reasons). Please note: If you do have to miss class, you will not be able to participate live by Zoom; your option is to watch a recording of the class if one is available.
Monkeypox: The university is monitoring the public health advisories concerning monkeypox and will update the university community as necessary. Faculty, staff, and students meeting the CDC guidelines can request a monkeypox vaccination by contacting their primary care providers (the school's insurance will cover the cost).
I wish you all the best for the new semester and look forward to seeing you soon.
Dean Krug