Department of Justice Honors Program/Summer Law Intern Program (2L's/3L's): deadline to apply September 8
As the largest legal employer in the United States, the Department of Justice offers employment in almost every practice area. Chicago-Kent has regularly had students selected as paid SLIP interns (program for 2L's), and hired for positions after graduation through the Attorney General's Honors Program (HP) (program for 3L's).
The divisions where we see candidates go the most are Anti-Trust (Chicago office, hiring 1 SLIP student and 2 HP attorneys), Civil Division (hiring SLIP and HP), the Environmental and Natural Resources Division (hiring 16 HP attorneys), Executive Office for Immigration Review - two-year terms with Immigration Courts across the US (25 spots for Immigration Courts/judicial law clerks + 12 spots at headquarters), and Tax Division (15 HP attorneys) - for the full list of HP Opportunities go here; and for the full list of SLIP Opportunities go here.
The application requires several short essays. Be sure to work with your career advisor on your short essays and give yourself time to complete them. Please read the application tips here and you can watch last year's presentation by Chicago-Kent alum Michael Loterstein on Panopto, available here, for details about what the DOJ reviewers look for.