Deferment and Enrollment Forms - Spring 2024
*Paper “In-house deferment forms” were discontinued by the Registrar's Office several years ago. **You can print the enrollment certificate and send to your service provider(s). Or you can have your service provider(s) go to: and request your enrollment status. Chicago-Kent College of Law is under Illinois Institute of Technology. School code:001691-01
This form is the equivalent of an enrollment letter and a letter of good standing. To obtain, do the following:
- Log in to your Illinois Tech Portal
- Click this link
* This does not apply to Canadian student verification forms.
**PLEASE NOTE: The online verification forms will be made available approximately a week after the add/drop date of January 30, 2024.
* If your social security number is not in our student database, and your service provider only uses the NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System), they will not receive the Clearinghouse enrollment report verifying your enrollment. Please verify with our office that your SSN is recorded in the system. If it is not, we will make arrangements for you to send us your information via a secure google doc form! You can alternatively come into our office with a copy of your signed ssn card as well.
If you are in need of proving that you are currently enrolled for the Spring 2024 semester prior to the add/drop date, we can provide a “pre-enrollment letter”. However, this letter will indicate your status as of the day of the letter and only valid up to the add/drop date of January 30, 2024. You will need to obtain the official Enrollment Certification from the National Student Clearinghouse as outlined above approximately a week after January 30, 2024. You may obtain a letter of enrollment that verifies your current student status by completing a “form letter request” form from our Registrar Online Forms Directory: