Chicago-Kent has partnered with CareerShift to help with your job search needs. CareerShift is a one-stop search engine that allows users to search and review each and every job posting available (such as those on Monster, Indeed, all other job boards and company websites). In addition, users can search for jobs and save your searches, find and save a list of contacts, create resumes and cover letters, and put them together in a targeted e-mail or postal mail campaigns. Then you can track your responses from “Come in for an interview” to “You’re hired.”
With CareerShift you can:
- Search every job listing, including job boards and company websites
- Get inside contact information immediately, including email addresses, for millions of companies
- Create and organize all of your documents
- Confidentially market yourself
- Remain focused and organized
- Access your secure, private account from anywhere, anytime, 24/7
Log in to Symplicity for the link and password to access CareerShift (search “CareerShift” in the Document Library).