Associate Dean Sowle’s Announcements, July 1 - July 5, 2024
UPDATE (7/2/24): Teaching evaluation forms for Summer 2024 courses are now available by clicking here.
As we did in the Spring, we are using Google forms rather than Web for Students. The forms will remain online through the last day of Summer classes. Teaching evaluations are anonymous and will not be available to professors until grades are turned in. Instructors will review the responses to improve the quality of their instruction and courses. The evaluations are also considered as one important factor in tenure, promotion, and compensation decisions for full-time faculty and are used as a factor in determining the effectiveness of part-time instructors.
Academic Calendar Reminder. This is a reminder that classes are canceled on Thursday, July 4, for Independence Day; the Law School building will be closed on both July 4 and July 5.
CALI Awards for Spring 2024. The CALI Excellence for the Future Award, sponsored by the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, is given to the student or students who receive the highest grade in each section of each course. The CALI award recipients for Spring 2024 courses are available by clicking here. If a section or a course is not listed, that means the professor elected not to give a CALI award, or we have not heard from the professor. Congratulations to all of you who received an award -- you should be proud of your achievement.
Counseling Services. This is a reminder that the university provides counseling services free of charge for students. Click here for details on the available resources, including individual counseling through Skylight Counseling Services. In addition to resources available through the university, the Lawyers Assistance Program also provides assistance to law students. LAP provides free and confidential assistance to members of the Illinois legal community, and can help you with issues of addiction, stress, anxiety, depression, focusing, worries about the character and fitness process, and having a successful first-year transition. Click here for more information about LAP and its services.
Joke of the Week. Why was the broom late for the meeting? It overswept!