Molly Kordas '18 receives a 2016 Justice John Paul Stevens Public Interest Summer Fellowship
Molly Kordas, a rising second-year student at Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, has been awarded a 2016 Justice John Paul Stevens Public Interest Summer Fellowship. Kordas received $5,000 to support her work this summer in the Environmental Enforcement Division of the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
"The fellowship seeks to promote the public interest and social justice values that have characterized Justice Stevens' work throughout his career," said Chicago-Kent Professor Nancy S. Marder, who clerked for the justice from 1990 to 1992.
Professor Marder explained that when Justice Stevens retired from the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, his law clerks decided to expand the number of schools offering Stevens Fellowships. Chicago-Kent was one of the first schools to participate in that expansion. When Justice Stevens gave a lecture at Chicago-Kent in 2012, he was able to meet the Stevens Fellows and to hear about their work. Molly Kordas is the eleventh Stevens Fellow from Chicago-Kent.
Stevens Fellowships are open to first- and second-year Chicago-Kent students who have secured public interest legal positions at either not-for-profit organizations or governmental entities for the summer. Stevens Fellows are selected based on their commitment to public service and their potential for excellence throughout their legal careers.
Molly Kordas graduated from Butler University in May 2013 with a bachelor's degree in political science, public relations and Spanish. Before law school, she spent a year as a community outreach coordinator for Illinois State Representative Michelle Mussman. At Chicago-Kent, she is a member of the Environmental Law Society, the Society of Women in Law, and the Kent Justice Foundation.
Founded in 1888, Chicago-Kent College of Law is the law school of Illinois Institute of Technology, also known as Illinois Tech, a private, technology-focused, research university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering, science, architecture, business, design, human sciences, applied technology, and law.