IIT Chicago-Kent will participate in the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law's regional competition
Two teams of IIT Chicago-Kent students will represent the law school in the regional competition of the 11th annual Trial Advocacy Competition, sponsored by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, November 15 and 16 in Chicago.
Lindsay Hicks '16, Laurel Martinez '15, Elizabeth Romano '16 and Kendra Spearman '15 will compete on one team. Brittany Barclae '16, Patrick Brady '16, Tyler Cox '15 and Mihail Kostov '16 will comprise the other team.
The competition is designed to introduce law students to the challenges and rewards of employment and labor litigation. Winning teams from eight regions will go on to compete for the national title January 25 to 26, 2015, in San Francisco. (IIT Chicago-Kent won this tournament's regional championship in 2009 and 2010.)
Current team member Lindsay Hicks completed her undergraduate education at Kansas State University with a major in psychology. Hicks earned a master of social work degree from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. Teammate Laurel Martinez earned a degree in legal studies from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. Teammate Elizabeth Romano graduated from Elmhurst College with a major in communication studies. Teammate Kendra D. Spearman received a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Spearman earned a master's in public administration with an emphasis in public management from DePaul University. She is currently working on a masters in Christian ministry degree at Northern Seminary. The team is coached by IIT Chicago-Kent alumni Joseph Carlesare '12, Erin Mayer '13, Rachael Sinnen '11, and Brian Wojcicki '09.
Team member Brittany Barclae completed her undergraduate education at Loyola University Chicago with a degree in psychology. Patrick Brady earned a degree in criminal justice from Illinois State University. Tyler Cox completed his undergraduate education at DePaul University with a degree in philosophy. Mihail Kostov graduated from University of Georgia with degrees in international affairs, history, and German. The team is coached by IIT Chicago-Kent alumnae Aimee Sabolyk '11 and Erica Suskind '12.
Founded in 1888, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is the law school of Illinois Institute of Technology, also known as Illinois Tech, a private, technology-focused, research university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering, science, architecture, business, design, human sciences, applied technology, and law. IIT Chicago-Kent's trial advocacy teams have won numerous individual student honors and regional and national competitions. The most recent U.S. News & World Report ranked IIT Chicago-Kent's Trial Advocacy Program sixth in the country.