David J. Gerber is a University Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, and Distinguished Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology.
He writes and teaches primarily in the areas of antitrust/competition law, comparative law, international economic law and globalization studies. He received his B.A. from Trinity College (Conn.), his M.A. from Yale University, and his J.D. from University of Chicago. In 2013, he was awarded the degree of Honorary Doctor of Laws by the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
He has been a visiting professor at the law schools of the University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University, and Washington University in the United States as well as on the University of Munich and Freiburg in Germany, Stockholm and Uppsala in Sweden, and the Global Law Faculty of Catolica University in Portugal. He has been a distinguished visitor at numerous universities, including the University of Rome (Sapienza), the University of Paris II, the University of Zurich, the University of Aix-en-Provence, and Meiji University (Japan). He has also been a visiting fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn, Germany. Before beginning his teaching career, Professor Gerber practiced law in New York and Europe.
Professor Gerber was acting president and then president of the American Society of Comparative Law from 2014 to 2016, and he was its vice-president from 2012 to 2014. He has also served that Society in many other positions of leadership. He is a founding co-editor of a book series entitled American Society of Comparative Law Studies in Comparative Law (Cambridge U. Press). He was a member of the Executive Editorial Board of the American Journal of Comparative Law for many years, and he has also been a member of the editorial board of numerous legal and economics journals, including the Journal of International Economic Law, Concurrences (France), and the Journal of Competition Law (Germany). His most recent book is Competition Law and Antitrust: A Global Guide (Oxford U. Press., 2020). He is also a titular member of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
J.D., University of Chicago Law School
M.A., Yale University
B.A., Trinity College
Competition Law and Antitrust (2020).
Developing Characteristics of Developing Jurisdictions: Their Implications for Competition Law (2015).
Competition Policy and Regional INtegration in Developing Countries (2012).
Global Competition: Law, Markets and Globalization (2010).
Prisms of Distance and Power: Viewing the U.S. Regulatory Tradition, 93 Business History Review 781 (2019).
Competitive Harm in Global Supply Chains: Assessing Current Responses and Identifying Potential Future Responses, 6 Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 5 (2018).
Searching for a Modernized Voice: Economics, Institutions and Predictability in European Competition Law, 37 Fordham International Law Journal 1421 (2014).
Method, Community & Comparative Law: An Encounter with Complexity Science, 16 Roger Williams University Law Review 110 (2011).
Competition Law and the WTO: Rethinking the Relationship, 10 Journal of International Economic Law 707 (2007).
Globalization and Legal Knowledge: Implications for Comparative Law, 75 Tulane Law Review 949 (2001).
The Transformation of European Community Competition Law?, 35 Harvard International Law Journal 97 (1994).
The International Court of Justice and Problems of International Adjudication, 82 Northwestern Law Review 1262 (1987).
Beyond Balancing: International Law Restraints on the Reach of National Laws, 10 Yale Journal of International Law 185 (1984).
Book Chapters
International Law as an Adaptive System: Implications and Opportunities, to be published in Tipping Points In International Law: Commitment and Critique (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Chinese Competition Law in the World, in The Pioneer of Competition Law in China (Concurrences: Antitrust Publications & Events, edited by Adrian Emch and Wendy Ng, 2019).
Comparative Competition Law, in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2019).